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Skip the Disposables: The Benefits of Using Bower Collective for Refillable Home and Personal Products.
As a society we create a lot of waste – primarily in the form of disposable, single use plastics that are so harmful to the environment. The problem is that these plastics are everywhere – they’re cheap and convenient. When we go to the supermarket and we want to buy hand wash or washing up liquid, it seems our only option is to also acquire the plastic bottle that they come in, that has such detrimental effects on the environment. But what if I were to tell you there was another way? A way you could conveniently acquire all your home and personal products, without having to worry about their environmental impact. That’s where Bower Collective come in.

They offer refillable liquid and soap dispensers along with a subscription-based supply of refill pouches – so your dispenser doesn’t have to be thrown out when it runs out. For the past month, they have supplied all the hand wash and washing up liquid that I have used in my home. I’ve saved time and money, and significantly reduced my impact on the environment. Keep reading and I’ll tell you all about how their service works, and its numerous benefits. If you’re interested visit and use the referral code to get £15 off your order when you spend over £20!
How it works.
First you need a dispenser. You can purchase one from their website, or simply reuse an old one you have lying around. You can purchase one-off refills when you run out, or you can subscribe for regular deliveries. Their deliveries include prepaid packaging so you can send the empty refill pouches back, and it’ll either be reused or 100% recycled.

What are the benefits?
Reduce Waste and Conserve Resources.
When we use disposable products, they’re designed to be used once and then discarded, ending up in landfill where they remain indefinitely. As we discard them, we have to keep buying more, which means more money going out of our accounts, and more waste going to landfills. Refillable products, on the other hand, can be used over and over again, reducing the need for continuous new purchases. Bower Collective offer refills for almost any product – from washing up liquid to perfume. By purchasing your home and personal products from bower collective, you’ll be reducing your carbon footprint, protecting our planet, and creating less pollution!
Like me you may be wondering whether refills are really as convenient as buying disposable products. I can confirm that using refills has been much more convenient! You can schedule when to have them delivered to your door, so you never have to worry about having a low or excess supply. I don’t even have to think about buying washing up liquid or hand wash anymore – it just shows up at my door when I need it – like magic.

Save Money.
Once you’ve invested in a refillable dispenser, you don’t have to keep purchasing disposable ones. In my experience, getting refills regularly delivered has worked out to be cheaper than buying a new disposable dispenser every time I was running low on washing up liquid or hand wash. I can save money whilst saving the environment – what’s not to love?
Natural ingredients to Protect Your Skin.
Some people worry that refills won’t be as hygienic or as good for your skin as the disposable products available on the market. Bower Collective’s refills are in fact made with high quality, sustainable ingredients – with the use of such ingredients being central to their values and ethos. I’ve found their ingredients to be higher quality than disposable alternatives, and their products leave my hands and dishes super clean and smelling great!
The use of disposable products over a long period of time comes with both significant financial and environmental costs. It’s hard to justify the expense when refillable home and personal care products, like those available at Bower Collective, are a more cost-effective and environmentally friendly option. They’re also made with better ingredients, designed to last longer and protect your skin better than disposable alternatives. Choosing to use refillable products is a great way to reduce waste, conserve resources, and protect the environment. Use my Bower Collective referral to get £15 off when you spend over £20 at Join me today and be a part of the refill revolution!
H x
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