Caura Invite: C5P7Z & Get £50 Off Towards Your Car Insurance

Haley X
5 Min Read

Caura Invite Code: C5P7Z

Owning a vehicle can be liberating. And going on road trips are one of the highlights of modern staycationing. But what’s not as fun to deal with is the essential admin that goes with car ownership. And if driving is a necessary day-to-day part of your commute. There are tolls, taxes, MOTs, insurance, endorsements and all sorts of other admin that’s all too easy to lose track of. Thankfully, Caura has decided to take the headache out of vehicle bureaucracy through one handy app. And if you sign up using our Caura invite code: C5P7Z, you can get £50 off your insurance policy purchase.

Caura referral
Caura referral code: C5P7Z

So, how does Caura work? The company behind the app understand that our lives are hectic and that sometimes insurance documents, MOT dates and tax renewal dates can easily slip through our fingers. So they make vehicle administration quick and easy by streamlining everything we need through their app. 

Once you’ve downloaded the app, Caura reminds you about your MOT, your insurance and tax, and helps you keep track of your documents by collecting them in one place. You can store your driving license safely on their app and this allows Caura to sync your license with the DVLA. This way you can check any endorsements, your eligibility to drive different types of vehicles, and it’s also a much easier way to get accurate quotes on car, insurance without having to fill out endless online forms.

Caura referral code: C5P7Z

You’ll never have to worry about remembering your tax renewal date. Because as soon as your vehicle is registered on the app, Caura remind you when you need to renew and you can pay directly through the app. You won’t have to go to and fill in their online forms because the Caura app is FCA approved. You get to select a 6 or 12 months renewal period and pay for it through the app via Apple Pay, Google pay or your credit card. 

And if you’ve ever forgotten when your MOT was due, you’ll know the feeling of frantically flicking through paperwork to see when you need to book your car in for its test. Register with Caura, and the app will give you a reminder and plenty of notice for when your MOT is due. 

Caura referral
caura invite code: c5p7z

Car Insurance is one of the areas that drives everyone crazy.  With Caura, they’ll cut out the middlemen by providing insurance quotes directly through the app. The app can cut out your insurance quote questions up to 40%, and because it has your car details already stored, and syncs your DVLA records, it can provide accurate, fast insurance quotations within 60 seconds through trusted UK insurers. And if you want to change your insurance coverage or make a claim, you won’t have to wait on endless calls as Caura have a dedicated claims team to help. 

If you drive regularly for work or pleasure and you want to know what charges you might incur, the Caura app helps you plan your journeys. You can breeze through clean air zone and use toll roads, bridges or tunnels without getting fined by prepaying your fees. Of course, if you’d rather avoid them, Caura can help you scoot around them too. 

And you don’t need to take our word for it. Caura users are very complimentary about the app. One user has said, “it makes life so much easier as I’m always in and out of CAZ – click of a button I can pay for my charges, love it.” And with regular five-star ratings from their users, we’re sold!

Caura referral

You can be too when you sign up using our Caura invite code: C5P7Z or click the following link: here: you can get £50 off your insurance policy purchase. And let Caura take your car admin into the fast lane.  

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Hayley is a dynamic 20-something writer, editor, and author hailing from the UK and residing in bustling London, is renowned for her dual expertise in finance and blogging. From a young age, she honed her skills in money management, becoming a respected money saver and blogger. Armed with a degree in English Literature, Hayley embarked on a career in writing and editing, ultimately landing a role at Referandsave where she not only edits content but also shares her savvy money-saving tips with an engaged audience. Beyond her editorial responsibilities, she is a published author, focusing on personal finance and lifestyle management. Despite her busy schedule, Hayley values work-life balance, often found exploring London's streets or unwinding with a good book.