Swissborg Referral Code – Get up to €100 FREE Crypto

Haley X
5 Min Read
swissborg invite link

Use the link above to download the Swissborg wealth app and deposit €50 (or equivalent in your currency (£56)) and you will get a reward of upto €100 worth of crypto FREE

IF YOU USE THE SWISSBORG CRYPTO CHALLENGE APP – (which is different to the Wealth app) – YOU CAN GET 3000 points free using referral code: 3TPPR4Q

Ever since I started this blog I’ve been interested in finding the best value and most fun referral schemes . Lately I have found that I am just as interested in investing as I am in finding good deals which has led me to place more importance on investment platforms and the services they can provide.

My share investments are well documented on this blog (check out my links for free shares) but I have also begun looking at investing in crypto currency. Previously I have found the whole concept quite alien and the process to buy and sell crypto difficult to understand.

So when I downloaded Swissborg I found they have mdae things very simple! I deposited my fiat currency (of £60) to get my free bitcoin ( I got €40 FREE by following a reward link) which was a great start… And I was then able to spend my deposited currency on a number of crytpo currencies. I actually put most of mine directly into the Swissborg token itself as it looked very good value 🙂

To ensure you get your free bitcoin – make sure you download the app directly from the link above and not from the app store icon on your phone. Full details are shown below but once downloaded and verified you need to deposit €50 in your account (or just under £60) in order to activate the FREE BONUS bitcoins

Use referral link and install the Swissborg app

The app itself is simple and intuitive. In the past I have wanted to buy a number of online services and the seller has offered bitcoin as a payment method but i have never been able to understand how to make payment. The swissborg app makes this very simple to do so I will give that a go over the coming days!

I will keep you updated on my crypto investments as I will be buying more over the coming months so save this page to monitor my progress. In the meantime use my link to install and swissborg app and deposit €50 worth of currency to get yourself and me some free bitcoins. x

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the Swissborg reward programme?
The reward programme provides the new user with up to €100 FREE bitcoin by following the referral link:

How do I get the FREE €100 bitcoin from Swissborg?
You need to register following this link: and then get verified and deposit a minimum of €50 (or equivalent currency)

Will I get €100 FREE bitcoin by joining Swissborg?
You will get UP TO €100 FREE bitcoin if you register using the following link: and you deposit a minimum of €50 or equivalent currency. You will get a winning ticket which you can scratch of electronically to see what bonus you will receive.

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Hayley is a dynamic 20-something writer, editor, and author hailing from the UK and residing in bustling London, is renowned for her dual expertise in finance and blogging. From a young age, she honed her skills in money management, becoming a respected money saver and blogger. Armed with a degree in English Literature, Hayley embarked on a career in writing and editing, ultimately landing a role at Referandsave where she not only edits content but also shares her savvy money-saving tips with an engaged audience. Beyond her editorial responsibilities, she is a published author, focusing on personal finance and lifestyle management. Despite her busy schedule, Hayley values work-life balance, often found exploring London's streets or unwinding with a good book.